How long does a typical data conversion take?
Depending on the specific type of conversion and the size of your file, converting desktop versions can take a few hours if the file has good data integrity. We verify the integrity of your original file prior to the conversion, convert the file, and verify the converted file.In some instances, additional time may be required for repairing data issues. The amount of time will depend highly on the specific issues encountered.
The length of time necessary to complete a conversion varies per project, which is primarily based upon the size of your company. Give our team a call today to find out how we can help.
Does all our data get converted?
For upgrading to a newer or more complex desktop version, it does. Any missing data would usually indicate an issue in your source file which we can address and then convert again as part of our process.
There are differences in functionality between the desktop and Online versions which affect what data comes over and how it is visible. In a general sense all the financial data does come over, although transaction types may be converted to an equivalent type, and many customizations such as memorized reports will need to be recreated. We can discuss the details if you are considering this type of conversion, so that you can plan and end up with a result that meets your needs going forward.
Is it possible our existing file would not be convertible?
Yes, there are some circumstances where a conversion becomes impossible to directly achieve. A desktop file with data going back many years may be too large to convert to QuickBooks Online using the conventional conversion process.
A desktop file may also have data issues which are unable to be easily repaired, which would either prevent the conversion process from completing or produce unexpected results in the converted file.
Either situation may need a data migration to a completely new company file instead.